Thomas Cranmer

... was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1533 to 1555, and was the first Protestant to hold the post. As well as writing and compiling the first two editions of the Book of Common Prayer, he was responsible for the annulment of Henry VIII's first two marriages, and also his divorce from Anne of Cleves.

Under Mary I he was tried and found guilty of heresy; he later recanted his profession of Protestantism, but Mary insisted that his death sentence be carried out. On the day of his execution he withdrew his recantations, denouncing the Pope as "Christ's enemy, and Antichrist with all his false doctrine." He said that the hand that had signed his recantations would be punished by being burnt first. As the flames drew around him, he fulfilled his promise by placing "that unworthy hand" into the heart of the fire. His dying words were, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit ... I see the heavens open and Jesus standing at the right hand of God."

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